
삭제후 새버전으로 설치시 이미 다른 계정에 설치되었다는 메시지와 함께 에버노트 설치가 안됨

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\EvernoteSetup.log의 내용

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Evernote Installation has started

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Running as user: Administrator

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Initializing installed product finder.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Checking if product {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} is installed.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Product {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} is not installed.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Checking registry for product {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4}.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Product GUID {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} was not found in the registry

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Initializing installed product finder.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Located product {4C8BBCC8-8363-11E2-A3F4-984BE15F174E} with upgrade code {AE2C091E-CF5F-4e30-8659-D640E23A8B99}.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Error getting product version: 1605

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Error getting product install location: 1605

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Initializing installed product finder.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Checking if product {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29} is installed.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Product {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29} is not installed.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Checking registry for product {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29}.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Product GUID {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29} was not found in the registry

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Checking for already installed products

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Detected version  installation

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] Installed version () did not support admin check. Attempting to use MsiEnumProductsEx.

[04/02/2013 10:28:33] PerUser install by another user: abort.

해결한 방법...


옛날 버전으로 다운로드후 툴안에서 업데이트를 신버전으로 해서 해결


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